John Anthony, a Church of God minister, presents the message that Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit and the power to be satisfied in our life without our addiction. More information is available at
Click the appropriate View button below to watch the associated video. Note that these videos are provided not so that you will totally agree with every one of them since each video may be presented with a somewhat different perspective on a Higher Power. Hopefully you can feel kinship with one or more of the perspectives, however, and thereby gain some guidance. The goal is for you to be able to work the program effectively and find a fulfillment of the the 12 step promises in your life.
Tommy Rosen talks about Step 10, where we develop a daily practice of taking a mini-inventory to end each day on a clean energetic note.
Dr. K.J. Foster talks about her background with Step 10 and about taking responsibility on a daily basis for our emotional disturbances.