Step 12

Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs

About Step 12, from the Mormon Channel

One night, Erik's drug addiction led him to overdose and fall three stories from a building. Still recovering from his addiction and his fall, Erik knows that sharing what he has learned with others who need help is one of the most miraculous aspects of recovery. More information is available at the Mormon Channel.

Click the appropriate View button below to watch the associated video. Note that these videos are provided not so that you will totally agree with every one of them since each video may be presented with a somewhat different perspective on a Higher Power. Hopefully you can feel kinship with one or more of the perspectives, however, and thereby gain some guidance. The goal is for you to be able to work the program effectively and find a fulfillment of the the 12 step promises in your life.

Dr. K.J. Foster

Dr. K.J. Foster talks about Step 12 and how we carry the message (instead of the mess) to others who need recovery.


Sober MD

Dr. Douglas Cook talks about getting started with Step 12 and his personal experiences with that step and his experiences with his patients.


John Anthony

A Church of God minister presents the message that Jesus has the ability to save, deliver, and help you overcome your powerlessness.
