List of Blog Summaries from Dennis for
Jan - Feb 2009
[Jan 24, 2009]
"The topic around the tables this afternoon was about as straightforward as pushing cooked spaghetti across a wire mesh. "How and why do we stay sober?". "
"The topic around the tables this afternoon was about as straightforward as pushing cooked spaghetti across a wire mesh. "How and why do we stay sober?". "
Yet Another Chaos Theory
[Jan 25, 2009]
"We discussed manageability today at our early morning meeting. Or rather the apparent lack thereof."
"We discussed manageability today at our early morning meeting. Or rather the apparent lack thereof."
Be Still
[Jan 31, 2009]
"What did happen was after a short while I "felt" better. Began to "think" clearer. "
"What did happen was after a short while I "felt" better. Began to "think" clearer. "
[Feb 1, 2009]
"Robert's Rules of Order for chat:"
"Robert's Rules of Order for chat:"
Parade Ground
[Feb 1, 2009]
"Through inattention or inaction, this disease held in abeyance can kill me just as dead as any combat action can."
"Through inattention or inaction, this disease held in abeyance can kill me just as dead as any combat action can."
A quiet chat, just the three of us
[Feb 7, 2009]
"If you've been holding back on that fourth/fifth step - my counsel is don't. Git er' done. It's only worth the rest of your life."
"If you've been holding back on that fourth/fifth step - my counsel is don't. Git er' done. It's only worth the rest of your life."
Meeting in voice chat tonight?
[Feb 8, 2009]
"Anyone up for a get-together tonight?"
"Anyone up for a get-together tonight?"
Tolerance for perspectives
[Feb 8, 2009]
"It is in all our best interests to observe respect for others beliefs. We should all here for the same reason - to give and receive Experience, Strength and Hope."
"It is in all our best interests to observe respect for others beliefs. We should all here for the same reason - to give and receive Experience, Strength and Hope."
[Feb 13, 2009]
"I was given a reprieve. Snatched from the brink of insanity and death. But I've learned also that this reprieve has a price."
"I was given a reprieve. Snatched from the brink of insanity and death. But I've learned also that this reprieve has a price."
Reinvention of the wheel
[Feb 13, 2009]
"The realization that offering up all our bad qualities to God does not free us from the obligation of "walking the talk" can be a sobering realization. "
"The realization that offering up all our bad qualities to God does not free us from the obligation of "walking the talk" can be a sobering realization. "
A Valentine
[Feb 14, 2009]
"Happy Valentines day, my friends. This is your card. Thank you for the love you've given me. "
"Happy Valentines day, my friends. This is your card. Thank you for the love you've given me. "
[Feb 15, 2009]
"I am a Nobody. Nobody is Perfect. Therefore I am Perfect."
"I am a Nobody. Nobody is Perfect. Therefore I am Perfect."