The 12 Steps

The 12 Steps in a Generic Form

Online Meetings

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12 Step Fellowships

Summaries of groups in our directory

Documentary on Bill Wilson and A.A.

Documentary about the life of Bill Wilson, one of the co-founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.).

Click the View button below to watch the video

History of A.A.

This is a 10 minute recording of Bill Wilson giving a talk about the beginning and early history of Alcoholics Anonymous.


Bill and Lois

Video of Bill Wilson, one of the co-founders of A.A., and his wife Lois as they talk about how A.A. got started and about the early years.


Lois W Alanon

Lois Wilson, the wife of Bill Wilson, talks about how the Al-Anon fellowship grew out of the families of those in the A.A. fellowships.
