One of the most prolific and entertaining bloggers on the now defunct myRECOVERYspace social networking site was DennisS. We have preserved his blogs and present them here with his permission. We hope that you enjoy his enlightening, eloquent and honest thoughts about the joys and trials of working through recovery, one day at a time.
We call this "Detailing by Dennis" because we hope that it is similar to when you get your car detailed and you begin to appreciate it more. It also seems appropriate because Dennis so often uses the metaphor of painting, coloring and sketching in his blogs. Our hope is that as Dennis sketches out the details of his recovery, you can have a better appreciation of the great value of recovery in your own life (as well as get some good chuckles and smiles from time to time). We have included all 162 of his blogs, including some of them that might seem rather trivial. But you can click on our list of favorites if you just have time for a few nuggets of 12 step wisdom. And you can read Dennis's bio for a brief life history and more of what is was like for Dennis before and after he came to A.A.
Thanks, Dennis, for sharing your road of recovery with us.